
Why Green Inside & Out? All of This Fun!

Cost and environmental impact are among the reasons why I switched to green greening our house inside and out, but as a parent I've discovered an added benefit: even the tiniest tot can get in on the action!

Inside, I feel comfortable with the kids being around our cleaners.. At 2.5, V is eager to spray and wipe everything he possibly can. While sometimes we just go with plain water, it is nice to really benefit from his eagerness. Baby E is still too oral to help that way (even green cleaners shouldn't be eaten), but I can tote him around on my back while I work without worrying about dangerous fumes.

Scrubbing the tub with green cleaners
The same holds true outside of the house. With a pesticide-free yard, our kids can go free-range: Baby E can explore on his own and eat a handful—or three—of clover or chickweed. Toddler V can play dump truck with grass clippings with his bare hands for an hour while I use the quiet reel-push mower right next to him.
Mowing Helper
Getting used to the feel of grass

Digging in the dirt pile in the backyard
With organic gardening, we get the fun of watering, digging, catching slugs, and eating veggies together. Everyone can lend a hand!
Square Foot Gardeners
Little Helper
Green cleaning looks different: things are clean, but not perfectly spotless. Green yards look different: we have more clover, plantain, dandelions, and chickweed than actual grass. But, the payoff is that we can enjoy them as a whole family more fully.
V & Dave 2012
E & Dave, 2013
Babywearing helps keep baby in on the outdoor action

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